Aα-spectral properties of some families of graphs with vertex connectivity equal to 1
Authors:Victor M. X. Leal, Carla S. Oliveira and André E. Brondani
Relation between classes of graphs with interval count k
Authors:Lívia S. Medeiros, Fabiano S. Oliveira and Jayme L. Szwarcfiter
The maximal transitive subtournaments of a digraph: the τ operator
Authors:Marisa Gutierrez, Bernardo Llano and Guadalupe Sánchez-Vallduví
On the Firefighter problem of full icosahedral symmetry fullerene graphs
Authors:S. Fusquino, D. Nicodemos and D. Sasaki
A short proof of the bijection between minimal feedback arc sets and Hamiltonian paths in tournaments
Authors:Rafael Schneider 1 and Fábio Botler
Finding graphs with exponential clique-growth using genetic algorithms
Authors:M.A. Pizaña and I.A. Robles
Faster computing of graph square roots with girth at least six
Authors:Cristopher Carcereri, Aleffer Rocha and Renato Carmo
Locally identifying coloring in some chordal graphs
Authors:Robson M. Oliveira, Márcia R. Cappelle and Hebert Coelho
Study on (r + 1)-role assignments of complementary prisms, with r ≥ 3
Authors:Diane Castonguay, Elisângela Silva Dias, Fernanda Neiva Mesquita and Julliano Rosa Nascimento
On the complexity of the k-independence number and the h-diameter of a graph
Authors:Aida Abiad and Hidde Koerts
Coloring game and maximum vertex degree restriction
Authors:Miguel A. D. R. Palma, Ana Luísa C. Furtado, Simone Dantas and Celina M. H. de Figueiredo
Bounds on the Edge-Sum Distinguishing Game
Authors:Deise L. de Oliveira, Danilo Artigas, Simone Dantas and Atílio G. Luiz
On the pebbling numbers of some snarks
Authors:Matheus Adauto, Mariana da Cruz, Celina de Figueiredo, Glenn Hurlbert and Diana Sasaki
Characterisation and total colouring of bipartite graphs with at most three bicliques
Authors:Gustavo L. Montanheiro, Leandro M. Zatesko and Marina E. Groshaus