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Authors |
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Generalization of the Hp-theorem in a space of constant curvature |
Alencar, Hilário
Colares, Antonio Gervasio |
Constant mean curvature surfaces bounded by a plane curve |
Barbosa, João Lucas Marques |
Kaluza-Klein metrics with positive sectional curvature |
Chaves, Lucas Monteiro |
Complete minimal surfaces embedded in R3 with total curvature 12π |
Costa, Celso J. |
On compositions of isometric immersions |
Dajczer, Marcos
Tojeiro, Ruy |
Index of surfaces of constant mean curvature in hyperbolic space |
do Carmo, Manfredo |
Topological obstructions to the embeddability of CR-manifolds |
Falbel, Elisha |
Hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic space |
Fornari, Susana
Frensel, Katia
Ripoll, Jaime |
Value distribution of the Gauss map of complete minimal surfaces in Rm |
Fujimoto, Hirotaka |
Submanifolds of constant nonpositive curvature |
Rabelo, Mauro L
Tenenblat, Keti |
Comportement asymptotique des géodésiques aux bouts d’une courbe algébrique complexe de C2 |
Silva, Nelson E. Simões |
Immersions of Kähler manifolds |
Tribuzy, Renato de Azevedo |