Towards Brill–Noether theory for cuspidal curves
Authors:Ethan Cotterill and Renato Vidal Martins
A survey on invariant conformal Killing forms on Lie groups
Authors:A. Herrera and M. Origlia
On the Laplacian coflow of invariant G2-structures and its solitons
Authors:Andrés J. Moreno and Julieth P. Saavedra
Birationally equivalent Landau–Ginzburg models on cotangent bundles and adjoint orbits
Author:Bruno Suzuki
On the dynamics of positively curved metrics on SU(3)/T 2 under the homogeneous Ricci flow
Authors:Leonardo F. Cavenaghi, Lino Grama and Ricardo M. Martins
Framed instanton pairs on the blow-up of the projective 3-space at a point
Author:Abdelmoubine Amar Henni
Some open problems in Noether-Lefschetz theory for toric varieties
Author:William D. Montoya
Symplectic structures on low dimensional 2-step nilmanifolds
Authors:Gabriela P. Ovando and Mauro Subils