Call of submissions for a a special volume in honor of Renato de Azevedo Tribuzy
Matemática Contemporânea, a journal of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, will publish a special volume in honor of Renato de Azevedo Tribuzy on the occasion of his 75th birthday. The editors of this volume are José N. V. Gomes (UFSCAR) and Paolo Piccione (USP). The aim is to collect in the volume papers with original results, as well as survey articles in Differential Geometry and related areas.
We are honored to invite all researchers, who have known about Renato’s work and influence in the area, to contribute by submitting a paper to be published in the special volume. The Brazilian Mathematical Society considers this an important initiative to honor Renato’s mathematical career, his scientific contributions, and the outstanding legacy that he has left in our mathematical community.
Details about the submission process, and about the LaTeX template for the journal will be communicated shortly. Submission deadline: September 30, 2021.