Title |
Authors |
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A new characterization of clique graphs |
Liliana Alcón
Marisa Gutierrez |
On graphs with stability number equal to the optimal value of a convex quadratic program |
Cardoso, Domingos M. |
Quadratic Orlik-Solomon algebras of graphic matroids |
Cordovil, Raul
Forge, David |
The clique operator on extended P4-sparse graphs |
Aurora Morgana
Célia P. de Mello |
Graph-theoretic analysis of the world wide web: new directions and challenges |
Deo, Narsingh
Gupta, Pankaj |
Comparability ∩ Helly is not fixed under K2 |
Dobson, María Patricia
Marisa Gutierrez |
The (p,q)-Helly property and its application to the family of cliques of a graph |
Jayme L. Szwarcfiter
Mitre C. Dourado
Protti, Fábio |
Some new results on circle graphs |
Durán, Guillermo |
Preimage, image, and iterated image of the clique operator |
Marisa Gutierrez
Meidanis, João |
Recognizing self-clique graphs |
Larrión, F
Neumann-Lara, V.
Pizaña, M. A
Porter, T. D. |
Clique convergent surface triangulations |
Larrión, F
Neumann-Lara, V.
Pizaña, M. A |
Clique-symmetric uniform hypergraphs |
McSorley, John P.
Porter, T. D. |
Coverings by R-dimensional rook domains |
Emerson L. Monte Carmelo |
Even pairs in square-free Berge graphs |
Cláudia L. Sales
Maffray, Frédéric |